Fun With Haikus: Election Results
November second...
Remember that movie called
"Apocalypse Now"?
Sure, my state went red,
But that was then, now is now.
Greetings from England.
It's disconcerting
That you cannot spell "Diebold"
Without the word "Die."
"Glad we've got hate-bills
To save us from these homos,"
Said the KKK.
There's just one context
In which "Delay" and "ethics"
Appear together.
Obama and Dean
Are my two favorite reasons
To stay put--for now.
Add your own! Or read more here.
Remember that movie called
"Apocalypse Now"?
Sure, my state went red,
But that was then, now is now.
Greetings from England.
It's disconcerting
That you cannot spell "Diebold"
Without the word "Die."
"Glad we've got hate-bills
To save us from these homos,"
Said the KKK.
There's just one context
In which "Delay" and "ethics"
Appear together.
Obama and Dean
Are my two favorite reasons
To stay put--for now.
Add your own! Or read more here.