Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Bush and the Congressional Black Caucus

Remember how earlier this evening, during the third debate, John Kerry made the observation that Bush never met with the NAACP or the Congressional Black Caucus? Remember how Bush said that actually, yes, he did meet with the Black Caucus, at the White House?

Yeah, well, it turns out that the reason for this is that the Black Caucus of Congress showed up at the White House, in a bus, totally uninvited.

And that's the only time.


Thursday, October 07, 2004


Friends, it's been a very long week for me. I've been pretty busy cleaning up ashes and the burnt remains of my home. My poor, already over-worked B.S. detector exploded earlier as I was reading this NYT article. See, here's what happened:

Back in January, another Texas Republican Congressman, Chris Bell of the 2th district, filed a rather-damning complaint (summarized here) against House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. Why? Three main reasons:

1. Rep. DeLay illegally solicited and accepted political contributions in return for offical action.

2. Rep. DeLay's TRMPAC laundered illegal corporate contributions for the purpose of influencing Texas legislative races and failed to properly disclose its financial activity.

3. Rep. DeLay improperly used his office to importune federal agencies for a partisan objective wholly unrelated to his official duties.

Sounds pretty serious, right? Well, guess what: the Republican-led House ethics committee unanimously voted to appoint an investigative sub-committee to this complaint, thereby instigating a state investigation.

Take that.

But I digress! The point of all of this is that my B.S. detector passed away earlier today. Here's why:

Following the House ethic committee's findings, Speaker for the House, Rep. Dennis Hastert defended DeLay's illegal actions, saying that DeLay

"fights hard for what he believes, but he has never put personal interests ahead of the best interests of the country."

And with that, my poor little B.S.D., already weakened from last Tuesday's debate between Edwards and Dr. Evil, burst into an enormous ball of flames and died. May it Rest In Peace.


Monday, October 04, 2004

The kidnapping of a conservative.

There are a few conservative bloggers who manage to articulate their views without spewing too much bile, thank goodness. One of them is Patterico, a sharp attorney from California who is always on top of his game with media analyses, perpetual attacks against Kerry, and so forth. I go over there from time to time to sound off on the particularly egregious postings, but it's always a challenge to keep my head above water, as it's not just Patterico to contend with, but a full cummunity of mostly intelligent wingnuts (and a few ditto-heads, to be sure).

This week, however, there's been a big change. Patterico has gone on vacation or something, inviting guest bloggers to fill in, and now, instead of standard Patterico Zingers, we've gotten to read the screed of namby-pamby, doomsday Republican weenie-bloggers, who are convinced that Bush got killed in the debate (which I'll obviously accept), but also that he will now lose the election. Highlights include, Bush is Toast--I'm Depressed, RINO Let-Down (refers to how Bush disappointed people with his debate performance), GOP Passivity (makes the humorous claim that the reason Bush is in trouble is because he simply gets mowed down by all the Democratic attacks and doesn't respond), and Why Bush is Toast. Bad, bad vibes.

I almost feel sorry for Patterico--I'm sure he wouldn't be too pleased with what's been going on at home in his absence. I'm not sure how these worries are productive at all for the other side.

On the other hand, this is also a very telling indication of a very refreshing, shifting tide...change is flowing like a river!

Saturday, October 02, 2004

The rest of the world

...thinks Bush got creamed too. Bar none.

Check it out--it's a fun read.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Welcome to Mexed Missages.

Heh...did any of you catch that part in the debate last night--that part which gives this blog it's name? Anyway.

Conservative bloggers respond to the debate with disappointment.
