There are a few conservative bloggers who manage to articulate their views without spewing too much bile, thank goodness. One of them is
Patterico, a sharp attorney from California who is always on top of his game with media analyses, perpetual attacks against Kerry, and so forth. I go over there from time to time to sound off on the particularly egregious postings, but it's always a challenge to keep my head above water, as it's not just Patterico to contend with, but a full cummunity of mostly intelligent wingnuts (and a few ditto-heads, to be sure).
This week, however, there's been a big change. Patterico has gone on vacation or something, inviting guest bloggers to fill in, and now, instead of standard Patterico Zingers, we've gotten to read the screed of namby-pamby, doomsday Republican weenie-bloggers, who are convinced that Bush got killed in the debate (which I'll obviously accept), but also that he will now lose the election. Highlights include,
Bush is Toast--I'm Depressed,
RINO Let-Down (refers to how Bush disappointed people with his debate performance),
GOP Passivity (makes the humorous claim that the reason Bush is in trouble is because he simply gets mowed down by all the Democratic attacks and doesn't respond), and
Why Bush is Toast. Bad, bad vibes.
I almost feel sorry for Patterico--I'm sure he wouldn't be too pleased with what's been going on at home in his absence. I'm not sure how these worries are productive at all for the other side.
On the other hand, this is also a very telling indication of a very refreshing, shifting tide...change is flowing like a river!